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Meet The Team - Emily Farr

A naturally gifted rider, with oodles of talent and determination, Emily Farr has been an asset to the team at Wexford. Bringing an abundance of knowledge and riding experience, within a short space of time Emily has already cemented her place within the stable. Her ability to ride horses of any kind or temperament is invaluable and she has a special affinity with the horses she is partnered with.

With a passion for jumping and raceday riding, her career as a Jumps Jockey means she has her fair share of grit and courage. She may give Lance and Andrew constant anxiety, with her career choice and her enthusiasm to get our horses jumping the big fences however, we couldn't be more grateful to have a rider of such outstanding caliber on board.

Emily spoke to us to answer some of our Meet The Team questions and give us the lowdown on her introduction into racing and the what she has enjoyed most in her time at Wexford..

How did you first get involved in the racing industry?

I was born and bred on a hill farm in the Rhondda Valley, South Wales surrounded by the love of horses and racing.

I was on a pony before I could walk. Riding was always on the cards with horse obsessed parents like mine. They taught me to ride and I competed through the show jumping ranks until I was old enough to race. Jump Racing was the biggest interest at home. Mum and Dad were both Amateur Champion Jump Jockeys in the UK. They trained Point-to-Point Race horses throughout my childhood and I used to ride work and watch them race until I became old enough to have my first race-day ride.

My university placement year landed me here in New Zealand and I fell in love with the country. I haven’t looked back since!

What is your current role at Wexford?

Scaring Lance to death being a Jumps Jockey! But mostly, I’m a Trackwork Rider.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

Laughing about how many times Lance has texted Andrew after I’ve jumped the last hurdle/chase fence successfully and the texts saying to put me on the work list the next day. 

On a serious note, I enjoy working as a team. I find Wexford not only a happy place to work but the overall environment is incredible. Lance and Andrew make you feel important and with their guidance, it helps you develop your skills to gain the best results out of every individual horse.. I’m privileged to be part of the team!

Emily and Te Atatu Memphis giving the tyres some air at Matamata Track.
Emily and Te Atatu Memphis giving the tyres some air at Matamata Track.

And least?

Failing to convince Lance to jump a few horses!

What has been your proudest racing moment with Wexford?

I'm fairly new to the team but I get great self gratification seeing certain horses I ride become consistent with their runs. Also, seeing them improve and learn everyday, so they can provide the best results on the racetrack.

Do you have a soft spot for one horse in particular? 

Te Atatu Memphis or Sonofabutcher. I find it hard to choose. Memphis is quirky and has a unique personality. He also jumps well. Butcher is just a very happy horse. 

One horse in the barn people should keep an eye on over the next few months?

I like a lot of the yearlings coming through. But in the next few months, I would say to look out for the Vadamos filly, Clariere. She is pretty special.

What is your favorite thing about Wexford Stables?

I’m a routine person and I love the way Wexford has a structure and is very organized. The routine and communication between the team every morning helps the day to run smoothly. Like any yard, we get busy at times, but we pull together as a team and complete the job successfully.


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